Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Exercise the Winter Away

The number of Australian women who expect to gain 2kg-5kg this winter
~Study by NSW food authority and NSW health~

Exercise the Winter Away!

As an outdoor personal trainer one of the things many people say this time of year is that it is too cold to exercise……….and you know what they are right.
Even for the most motivated person, this time of year really challenges your loyalty to fitness. However I always like to consider the other side of the argument and that is the positives that come from just making 1-2 efforts a week to beat that statistic above that 38% is The number of Australian women who expect to gain 2kg-5kg this winter
~Study by NSW food authority and NSW health~

So to avoid being one of the 38% here are a few positives to add to just doing a little bit……… now.

We know motivating yourself for exercise in winter can be difficult when the days are short and the weather is cold. However, exercising outdoors is hugely beneficial to improving your health and fitness during the winter months.
After going for a fresh winter walk, jog or other outdoor exercise activities, exercise can really help you shake off the winter blues.
By exercising outdoors, you’ll get a double return for your effort in receiving both the following outcomes:

  1. Physiological  - like faster weight loss, greater fat burn and lowering blood sugar levels
  2. Psychological benefits – like being more optimistic, increase resilience, improved self confidence and just the earthily feeling and benefits of fresh air and being in the natural environment.
Here’s why training outdoors in Winter is twice as effective to burn more fat and achieve greater fitness results than any other time of the year!
  • We expand up to 30% more energy when exercising in winter. Which means we burn more fat, and achieve greater fitness results.
  • As you're burning more energy, you sleep better and generally deeper at night resulting in greater recovery and more energy the next day
  •  Regular exercise in winter is one of the best ways to boost your general resilience and immune system and fend off wintertime colds and other illnesses
  • The connection to being outdoors will give you a mood boost, make you happier and more productive during the day resulting in better relationships 

Your natural instinct will be to hibernate the winter away. However there are plenty of creative ways to exercise and stay active during the winter. For just 1-2 efforts per week you can double your exercise return, however you will need to get moving soon. No need to make exercise a big priority this winter. Instead just do little things more often. There are far more benefits that outweigh the cold, depending on hoe you view Winter!!!!!

EXTRA WINTER TIP – Post Meal Strolls
Following dinner, before you reach for the sweet snack or dessert Try the following tip to have you taking advantage of the cooler weather. Typically we eat dinner at home, it is nice and warm, the heating is on and in turn metabolism is encouraged to slow down, due to the warm temperature and low activity levels. After dinner walk out the front door and walk for 5-10 minutes is adequate. It doesn't need to be a marathon just a post meal stroll to help digestion, burn some extra energy and the fresh cool air and activity will help also increase your metabolism. Try it and let me know what you think.

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